The Relaxed Kitchen: How to Entertain with Casual Elegance and Never Lose Your Mind, Incinerate the Souffle, or Murder the Guests

Цена 55.26 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780312371548

Брэнд St Martin's Press


Издатель St. Martin's Press

Страниц 256

Год выпуска 2007

Did you ever have a dinner party disaster? Yes, I"m afraid so. Have you ever bitten off more than you could chew by cooking a complex main course? Well, yes. Did you ever find yourself barbecuing a large pig in your swimsuit and sarong when uninvited porn stars show up for dinner? Uh…now wait just a minute… If any or all of these things happened to you, fear not. They"ve all happened to Brigit Binns, the globe-trotting expert on relaxed and elegant entertaining, and she"s here to help turn disasters into delight. Brigit"s not afraid to admit that she"s had plenty of dinner party nightmares because she"s learned from her mistakes. In The Relaxed Kitchen, she"s here to share some hilarious stories of her failures, her embarrassments and, happily, her triumphs; but, most importantly, she"s here to share her hard-won entertaining secrets. From a precariously balanced Napoleon dripping with deep red berry sauce - served in a pristine, just-decorated, all-white London flat - to...