The Complete Light Kitchen

Цена 22.76 - 53.90 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781552859025

Брэнд Whitecap Books


Издатель Whitecap Books

Страниц 392

Год выпуска 2007

Exceptional taste and exceptional health. Over the years, Rose Reisman has shifted from simply appreciating delicious food to valuing dishes that combine exceptional taste with nutritional benefits. She has stepped up and become a leading spokesperson for light cooking. Her recipes explode with flavor, not with fat and calories. The Complete Light Kitchen provides more than one hundred all-time favorites from Rose Reisman"s 15 years of creating and publishing recipes. She includes essential guidance for a healthy kitchen, both stocking it with staples and using ingredients with gusto. In sections such as "Transforming to a Light Kitchen", "Meal Planning", "The Global Pantry" and "A Guide to Food Labels and Additives", she answers many frequently asked questions.