The Amazing Spider-Man: The Gauntlet: Volume 5: Lizard

Цена 8.11 - 14.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780785146162, 9780785146162

Брэнд Marvel Comics

Издатель Marvel

Страниц 128

Год выпуска 2010

Форма выпуска 170x260

As the Lizard, Dr. Curt Connors ushered a new kind of villainy into Spider-Man"s life. Now a widower with a son in foster care, and working at the bottom of the pharmaceutical industry, Connors is a broken, shell of a long will it be before a Lizard breaks that shell?! How will it affect Peter Parker"s date with Carlie Cooper?! How is The Black Cat Involved?