B Is for Brazil

Цена 8.95 - 10.14 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781845073169

Брэнд Frances Lincoln

Страниц 32

Год выпуска 2004

From the wilds of the Amazon rain forest to the busy streets of SA?o Paulo; from C is for Carnival to J is for Jangada; from football to Zebu cattle; B Is for Brazil shows this lively South American country in all its colorful diversity. Maria de Fatima Campos"s striking full-color photographs capture the essence of Brazilian life - the interweaving of its cultures and peoples - as she leads the reader on an alphabetic tour. With a simple, informative text, the book illustrates the contrasts between city and rain forest, different customs and peoples, and the vibrant world of Brazilian children whether at home, at school, fishing on the river, or painting in the open air.