Batman: Under the Hood, Volume 2

Цена 25.33 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781401209018, 9781401209018

Издатель DC Comics

Страниц 192

Год выпуска 2006

The Red Hood has been unmasked, and revealed as former Robin Jason Todd. As Batman starts to desperately search for clues to how his one-time partner can be alive, the Hood is busy tearing apart Gotham"s underworld and planning revenge on the man who killed him, the Joker! Will the Caped Crusader and his bygone Boy Wonder put aside their differences long enough to fend off the assembly of antagonists that want them both dead? Will Batman allow Jason final retribution against his erstwhile killer? These questions are answered here along with the secret of Jason"s resurrection and his motivations for becoming the Red Hood! Формат издания: 16,5 см х 26 см.