The Secret World of Johnny Depp

Цена 11.00 - 22.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781843582588


Страниц 458

Год выпуска 2011

A rare glimpse into the world of a superstar whose virtuoso eccentricity and willingness to take on unconventional films for a mass audience has helped him retain alternative credentials and respect from critics that most actors only dream of Not only is Johnny Depp a huge star, but his unconventional choice of movie roles has made him a fascinating and mysterious character, endearing himself to audiences as diverse as the roles he plays. With appearances in both children"s and adult films such as Alice in Wonderland and Public Enemies, Depp has a mass market cross-generational appeal. Tracing his career from his debut in Nightmare on Elm Street in 1984 through to his flamboyant turn as the voice of Victor Van Dort in Corpse Bride and the spectacular success of the Pirates of the Caribbean franchise, this biography shows how Depp has successfully carved a niche for himself as a serious, somewhat dark, idiosyncratic performer, consistently selecting roles that surprised critics and...