Queen of Fashion: What Marie Antoinette Wore to the Revolution

Цена 23.37 - 29.40 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780805079494

Брэнд Henry Holt


Издатель Henry Holt and Company

Страниц 432

Год выпуска 2006

"Plenty of proof here, from an associate professor of French at Barnard, that clothes did indeed make the woman. Weber"s thesis, made clear at the outset, is that the dauphine-soon-turned-queen"s costumes became an accurate symbol of her individuality and personality versus political unrest. No minutiae is left unnoticed; for example, Marie Antoinette"s struggles with the strictly mandated whalebone corset was the epitome of her initial lack of acceptance by the French court, whereas her creation of the three-foot-high pouffed hair-dress was emblematic of her preoccupation with fashion. One revolution in women"s accoutrements, unfortunately, was swapped for another more deadly revolution in politics and freedom. Tales of intrigue dot every page (for instance, the long-standing feud with Louis XV"s mistress, Comtesse du Barry), as do the foibles of commoners and royalty. Using bold and engaging prose, the author has created a whole new appreciation for academic writings". ...