Portrait of Artist as Young Man (подарочное издание)

Collector"s Library Оригинально оформленное подарочное издание. Книга в суперобложке, с трехсторонним золотым обрезом и шелковым ляссе. Joyce"s first great novel follows the life of Stephen Dedalus - an artistic and fiercely individual young man - from its first childhood glimmerings to its creative flowering in early manhood. Along the way, Stephen learns to negotiate the "snares of the world", to avoid the pitfalls of his dysfunctional family, his terrifying and repressive boarding school, and the various beautiful young ladies who capture his heart. A "Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man" is an unforgettable depiction of childhood and adolescence, as well as a lyrical evocation of life in Ireland over a century ago.