They Came to Baghdad

Цена 3.72 - 5.38 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780312981648, 9780312981648

Брэнд St Martins Pr


Издатель St. Martin's Paperbacks

Вес 141 гр

Страниц 288

Год выпуска 2002

Форма выпуска 105x170

Mystery"s Bestselling Author Flighty but good-hearted Victoria Jones craves love, intrigue, and adventure. She strikes gold in Edward, a handsome and mysterious traveler whom she"s vowed to follow to the ends of the earth. Yet no whirlwind affair can prepare Victoria for what unfolds once she lands in Baghdad. Not a day in Edward"s shadow, and she hears whispered warnings of danger and witnesses the murder of a secret agent in her hotel room. And when she discovers that a romantic rival for Edward"s affection has arranged for her kidnapping, Victoria fears that her impetuous nature could be the death of her.