Heart Of A Goof, The
-From his favourite chair on the terrace above the ninth hole, The Oldest Member tells a series of hilarious golfing stories. From Evangeline, Bradbury Fishers fifth wife and a notorious golfing giggler, to poor Rollo Podmarsh whose game was so unquestionably inept that he began to lose his appetite and would moan feebly at the sight of a poached egg, the game of golf, its players and their friends and enemies are here shown in all their comic glory. Описание: Contains a series of golfing stories: From Evangeline, Bradbury Fisher`s fifth wife and a notorious `golfing giggler`, to poor Rollo Podmarsh whose game was so unquestionably inept that `he began to lose his appetite and would moan feebly at the sight of a poached egg`.