The Girl from World"s End

Цена 3.20 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781847560063, 9781847560063


Издатель HarperCollins Publishers

Страниц 448

Год выпуска 2007

Форма выпуска 110x175

For fans of Josephine Cox and Lesley Pearse, an epic tale of hardship and tragedy straddling the Second World War. After the death of her drunken father, newly-orphaned 8-year-old Mirren Gilchrist is sent to live with estranged relatives in the heart of the Yorkshire Dales. Struggling to adjust to the unfamiliar rural lifestyle, she grows tough and resentful. She finds solace in World"s End, a dilapidated stone cottage at the edge of the moor. As the years pass, Mirren falls in love, marries and begins a family with roguish and handsome Jack - but the arrival of war throws her life into turmoil. Jack returns from leave a changed man, whose dependence on alcohol is all too familiar for Mirren. Whilst he sinks deeper into depression, Mirren struggles to cope with the violent, cruel stranger she married. Then tragedy strikes and history looks set to repeat itself...