True Love and Other Disasters

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780061579066, 9780061579066


Издатель Avon

Вес 185 гр

Страниц 368

Год выпуска 2009

Gorgeous Faith Duffy has been a lot of things in her 30 years. She started as an exotic dancer at 18, then became a Playboy model, a devoted wife to her 81-year-old husband Virgil, and now, a widow and business owner. Virgil Duffy owned the Seattle Chinooks hockey team and left it to Faith in his will, even though she knows nothing about the sport. Determined to prove she"s more than just one of Hef"s bunnies, she dives in, learning all she can about hockey and her new team. The only obstacle is the team captain, Ty Savage. Brooding and intimidating, Ty has led his team to the NHL playoffs, and he"s not about to let some gold digger of a widow ruin his chances. The press build up the initial rivalry between Faith and Ty, but the pair may not be as acrimonious as everyone thinks. A steamy story with plenty of fast-paced action on and off the ice. Формат издания: 10,5 см х 17 см.