The Bedroom Secrets of the Master Chefs

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780099513445, 9780099513445, 9780099513445


Издатель Vintage

Вес 225 гр

Страниц 448

Год выпуска 2007

At Edinburgh"s Department of Environmental Health, hard drinking, womanising officer Danny Skinner wants to uncover secrets: "the bedroom secrets of the master chefs", secrets he believes might just help him understand his self-destructive impulses. But the arrival of the virginal, model-railway enthusiast Brian Kibby at the department provokes an uncharacteristic response in Skinner, and threatens to throw his mission off course. Consumed by loathing for his nemesis, Skinner enacts a curse, and when Kibby contracts a horrific and debilitating mystery virus, Skinner understands that their destinies are supernaturally bound, and he is faced with a terrible dilemma... Формат: 11 см x 17,5 см.