Piano concerto no.5 in e flat major, op.73, ‘emperor’; choral fantasia in c minor, op.80

Цена 8.88 - 47.50 USD

book24.ru8.88 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 7318599917931

Брэнд Bis Records

Производитель Bis Records AB

Страна производитель Sweden

Вес 110 гр

Год выпуска 2011

Форма выпуска Super Audio CD

For the final instalment of his survey of Beethoven’s works for piano and orchestra, Ronald Brautigam has saved ‘the final crowning glory of his concerto output’, as Beethoven specialist Barry Cooper describes the Fifth Piano Concerto in his liner notes. It is coupled on this disc with the Choral Fantasia – an intriguing work scored for piano, orchestra and chorus with vocal soloists.he individual discs in Ronald Brautigam’s series have received numerous distinctions, including a MIDEM Classical Award in 2010, and his performances have been weighed against classic recordings by legendary pianists. Ronald Brautigam, the Norrk Издание содержит 36-страничный буклет с дополнительной информацией на английском, немецком и французском языках.