Blue Note Plays Billie Holiday (CD)

Цена 6.63 - 9.07 USD

book24.ru6.79 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 94634932127

Брэнд Usa Blue Note

Производитель Capitol Rec/emi Columbia Austria Gmbh

Страна производитель Austria

Вес 100 гр

Год выпуска 2006

Форма выпуска Audio CD

Декстер Гордон, Майлз Дэвис, Херби Николс, Клиффорд Браун, Айк Квебек, Сонни Кларк, Фредди Хаббард, Ли Морган The jazz performances assembled in this collection are mostly connected not with a songwriter but with one of the most engagingly emotional singers ever - "Lady Day," Billie Holiday. She brought a vulnerability and painful reality to these songs, many of which were about heartbreak but which seemed to suggest her own tragic life. When Billie Holiday sang a song, she made it her own. And her voice echoes through the eight magnificent performances by some of Blue Note"s greatest artists.