Himalaya Liv.52 Regular Tablets 20 Pack Bottles
Price 46.14 USD
Liv-52 was introduced in 1955 by Himalaya Herbal Healthcare. Since then, it has been sold worldwide and is recognized by thousands of health professionals as one of the most effective liver formulas, with beneficial effects reported in over 300 studies on a variety of cases. Liv52 ensures optimum liver function through the protection of the hepatic parenchyma, and by way of its potent antioxidant properties. Liv-52 / LiverCare neutralizes all kind of toxins and poisons from food, water, air and medications, all sources of detrimental effects on the liver. Counteracting those hard to avoid poisons and protecting one of the body"s most important organs. Alcohol users in partucular find Liv-52/LiverCare helpful in maintaining a healthier liver. It also helps those taking necessary allopathic medications to protect themselves against the damaging hepatoxic side effects. Liv-52 is a unique, all-natural, complex multi-ingredient formula. It is safe and effective in portecting the liver against harmful toxins from drugs, alcohol, food and water. Liv52 helps regulate levels of enzymes and optimizes assimilation. Liv-52 (Liv52) has also been found to be associated with an increase in serum albumin, which is another indication of the liver protection it provides. Recent work shows that Liv52 has cholesterol-regulating action. Clinically, it helps maintain healthy levels of serum cholesterol, lipoproteins, phospholipids and triglycerides