GO Series: Microsoft Word 2003 Volume 1

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780131434318

Written for a diverse audience (all ages, different educational backgrounds, varying educational goals), this book allows for self-paced or online learning. The primary goal of the GO! Series: Microsoft Word 2003 Volume 1 is to teach Microsoft Word 2003 quickly and easily, with an approach that is based on clearly-defined projects. A key feature of the book is the use of Microsoft procedural syntax: steps begin with where the action is to take place, followed by the action itself. The instruction is error-free, clearly written, and logically arranged. This book provides users with the skills to solve business problems using the computer as a tool. Volume 1 covers the following topics relating to Word 2003: getting started, using special utilities and formatting tools to write reports, adding clip art and tables to enhance flyers and notices, creating newsletters, using charts and text effects to enhance documents, and group projects. An efficient and handy guide for anyone interested in learning the ins and outs of Microsoft Word 2003.