Selected Short Stories of Sinclair Lewis (Rep)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780929587226

Amidst Sinclair Lewis’s many remarkable novels are more than a hundred short stories which he wrote over forty-four years. Selected Short Stories contains those selected by Lewis himself for a 1935 edition and illustrates the wide range of his art and interest: tales of romantic fantasy or escape, melodramas of heroic or mock-heroic adventure, boy-meets-girl stories, satires of pretension and folly, and tales of isolation and loneliness. Lewis often played variations on themes more fully developed in his novels. In his introduction, James W. Tuttleton calls Lewis “an excellent storyteller with an enviable command of narrative…At his best Lewis’s short stories, like his novels, accomplish the remarkable feat described by E.M. Forster: ‘What Mr. Lewis has done for myself and thousands of others is to lodge a piece of a continent in our imagination.’”