Tertiary Students" Knowledge of Nutrition: A Study of College Students in Nairobi, Kenya
Price 62.36 - 69.79 USD
This book analyses consumer behaviour with regard to college students in Nairobi, Kenya. The author focuses on students’ food choice patterns, what influences their food choices and why they purchase the foods that they consume. The book explains the major influences of food consumption patterns of tertiary students and their impact on the food sales of main supermarkets and food outlets within the city. Quantitative data pertaining to students’ food purchasing patterns from supermarkets and franchises was collected from college students. According to the findings, students preferred purchasing balanced diet food items for consumption. The author recommends that for supermarkets, small scale food vendors and franchises to cater to students’ food preferences and also boost their businesses, they should consider stocking balanced diet foods. This book is resourceful to food vendors, supermarket owners, and franchises in Kenya.