A Thousand Sleeps

Price 28.76 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781595408419

In 1917, Ben Walkman left his town and friends to get away from an impossible marriage. Though his friends Tom and Al wanted to go with him they could not. It was a journey that he would have to make alone. Miss Perkins, the town oddity and fond friend of the three, told Tom and Al that they could look for their friend but he would not be found or seen for three generations. A powerful and ruthless Judge Roy Appleton would stop at nothing to get what he believes is rightfully his, the missing deed to the valley and surrounding mountains. But most important, the deed held claim to a giant spring, if he could control the water he would be wealthy beyond his dreams. He would pass this hate and ruthlessness down to his son, and he to his son. So begins a journey that will test the young Al and Tom into their old age. But they are not alone. There are others that will be forced to look deep inside themselves for the answer that will take them to the very brink of disaster and danger. The die has been cast, the scene set, all that is left is to survive the journey. ~~~~~Author Bio~~~~~ 26 years ago Mike left the great state of Montana to live on the big island of Hawaii. It was here at a local theatre and cafe that he met his wife Marion, they settled in the southern district of Kau" where they have their own cafe, three dogs, and many friends.