Made in the USA: Corporate Greed, Tax Laws and the Exportation of America"s Future

Price 8.96 - 25.39 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780963784681

Best selling author Barr McClellan presents an extensively researched analysis of the negative impact the exportation of manufacturing jobs overseas has had on the U.S. economy, and how this has fueled the current economic crisis. Over the past eight years, corporate tax loopholes have rewarded companies for exporting jobs while a total suspension of regulations and oversight facilitated an orgy of fiscal irresponsibility. Over 3.2-million manufacturing jobs were lost in the USA, exported to other countries and undermining the very foundation of our economy. McClellan presents a solid case for encouraging the purchase of products made in the USA, as a solution to restoring our nation"s economic health. Researched and compiled over a five year period, McClellan accurately predicted all of the major economic events of the past two years, including the mortage meltdown, the stock market collapse and the government"s need for emergency measures. Economic recovery for the USA can be quickly achieved, McClellan states, if preference is given to made in the USA products by a majority of Americans for their everyday consumer purchases. Buying USA and locally produced merchandise revitalizes the economy through a multiplier effect that counter-balances the negative impact of every exported dollar. Made in the USA is an insightful and hopeful study of how the average American consumer has the power to protect their own jobs, their local economy and the entire nation through responsible consumerism. McClellan argues that short-sighted business practices, often fueled by special tax credits that actually incentivize the outsourcing of jobs overseas, are ultimately self-defeating in their weakening of the U.S. consumer base that these same companies depend on to buy products.