Spiritual Friendship: Darkness and Light

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780819868923

Ronda Chervin Spiritual Friendship: Darkness and Light analyzes the nature and validity of spiritual friendship. Dr. Chervin focuses on the divine dimension, when both friends root their love in God. As human beings we realize our need for love and understanding, for a guiding hand to lead us through the tunnel of spiritual darkness into the presence of the Lord. "Spiritual friendship comes in many forms: brother and sister, parent and child, husband and wife, male and female companions. Both may be single, married, consecrated or any combination of these... The scene of the Last Supper reveals Christ"s great desire to share his supernatural secrets with his friends, for friends are to be one heart and soul." This them is echoed by Fathers of the Church such as St. Augustine, and in the writings of great saints, especially Francis de Sales, Teresa of Avila and John of the Cross. Four stages of spiritual friendship: attraction, mutuality, enchantment and union are explained. The author"s explanation of emotional rejection brings to her readers the realization that perfect friendship is not found on this earth, yet "the most precious gift of union in spiritual friendship is the foretaste of heaven it gives." This profound book can lead to deeper appreciation of the gift from God that spiritual friendship can be as we journey together back to him.