Pure Fyre

Gelyfed is blessed, and Gaernod is not. Eofyn is king, and Spyre is most certainly not. But when Spyres king threatens Eofyns kingdom and the source of its peoples power, Spyre finds that greatness has been thrust upon him no matter how much hed love to send it back. Hes got a long journey ahead to save a kingdom that hes sure will hate him, and hes going up against his own people to do it. Trust is not a value that is widely respected in Gaernod, but Spyre will have to rely on it to get him through the many realms of Curnen to Gelyfed, and, regrettably, beyond. Andhold ondid someone say dragons? The Fyre is going out. The crystals are fading. The dragons are coming. The king has fled. Only one thing is certain Spyre did not sign up for this. KristaLyn A. Vetovichs sweeping novel depicts the power of a dream.