Free Squilly!

What do a baby squirrel in danger and a married couple have in common? You"ll find out in Rosan Arrcye"s Free Squilly! When Rosemarie Ciampis looks out her window and sees a baby squirrel, she doesn"t think anything about it...until she notices a collar around his tiny neck! She immediately alerts her husband, Raymond, and together they set out to free the squirrel from certain death. But the Ciampis" are forced to question their own motives and actions for freeing the squirrel, and along the way they"ll come to learn that submission to the Holy Spirit"s leading will reveal their true thoughts on faith, God, and the meaning of life, which will affect their twenty-year marriage. This thought-provoking story is based on real-life events and invites readers into a story full of life and love, where they will come to understand the true meaning of selflessness. One thing"s for sure: the Ciampis didn"t know what they were getting into when they decided to Free Squilly!