The Religion of the Black God: Indic Sacred Science & Islam

Price 13.80 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780983379768

Allah says: Then Satan made them (Adam and Eve) slip therefrom (the Paradise) and got them out from that which they were. [Allah] said: Get you down, all, with enmity between yourselves. On earth will be a dwelling place for you and an enjoyment for a time. Al-Baqarah 2:36 Al-Saddi said: Allah said: Get you down, all [al-Baqarah 2:36]. So they came down: Adam came down in India and the Black Stone and a handful of leaves from Paradise came down with him, and he scattered them in India, and a perfume tree grew, which is the origin of what comes from India of perfume from the handful of leaves that Adam brought down... There is a popular Islamic tradition according to which Adam the first man made from black mud after he transgressed in the Garden, was kicked out and sent down to earth. His first home on earth was well, in India. India! Why India? Being that the Garden was directly above the earthly Mecca, it can be considered a Heavenly Mecca. This means that (the aboriginal) Adam s fall involved a journey from a celestial Mecca to India. He fell just as the sun was setting, and landed on the lofty peak of Mount Budh. This religious legend reflects on ethnographic reality: ancient India received a migration from Arabia. The above quoted report from al-Saddi has another important implication as well: the fact that the Black Stone fell to India with Adam suggests that ancient Indic religious tradition has some relation to ancient Arabian religious tradition and (thus) with Islam. What is the nature of that relationship? The intent of this work is to answer this question and document the relationship between Indic Science and Islam.