Angel Answers: A Celestial Oracle

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781590030929

Angels have the answers and, finally, their answers are in a book! Hold Angel Answers in your hands, calm your thoughts, close your eyes, compose your question, and send it to the angels—they’ll answer. Just open the book and look. Here’s what they might say: Tidy up your surroundings and try to live simply. Your problems will gradually disappear with the clutter, allowing you to journey unburdened through life. Do not be weighed down by past failures, blunders, or errors. For it is these experiences that will lead you toward the opportunity to achieve your goal. Take Angel Answers along with you wherever you go (this small volume will fit nicely in anyone’s bag), and your questions can be addressed as soon as they arise. The angels hold all the answers. The answer they give you is the right one for you.