Women and Unwanted Hair

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781552128886

The first book on the most embarrassing beauty problem faced by millions of women worldwide. Learn why unwanted hair grows, from your brows to your toes, and the best ways to treat and/or remove it. This book gives you detailed information on all hair removal methods, with chapters devoted to electrolysis (the only permanent solution), laser treatment and pubic hair removal. And, you"ll find complete information on the newest hair reduction cream, Vaniqa. M. Sara Rosenthal also explains that for many women, unwanted hair growth is the result of a hormonal imbalance, and outlines the range of hormonal disorders that can cause excessive hair growth and the treatment options available. Women and Unwanted Hair teaches women what NOT to do, as there are many popular removal methods that actually worsen the problem and encourage hair growth. M. Sara Rosenthal also delves into an issue you won"t read about it any women"s health or beauty magazine: that of body image and unwanted hair. She believes unwanted hair is a health and social issue for women - not just a cosmetic one - since it can contribute to larger problems of low self-esteem and depression. Women and Unwanted Hair provides not only solutions and answers, but validation as well.