Bone River

Price 30.79 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781469228075

In the mid-19th century, Leonie Russell works alongside her husband, Junius, an oysterman in the Washington Territory. At night she continues her father’s lifelong obsession — collecting artifacts and studying the native culture that once thrived in the area. On her thirty-seventh birthday, Leonie discovers a mummy protruding from a riverbank — a mummy that by all evidence shouldn’t exist. As Leonie searches for clues to the mummy’s origins, she begins to feel a strangely mystical connection to it. When Junius’s long-lost son, Daniel, appears one day, a native elder insists that Leonie wear a special shell bracelet for protection. But protection from whom? The mummy or, perhaps, Daniel? Leonie has always been a good daughter, a good wife, but for the first time, these roles do not seem enough. Finding the mummy has changed everything, and now Leonie must decide if she has the courage to reject the expectations of others to be the woman she was meant to be.