Becoming Uncommon: Developing Your Success at the Speed of Life!

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780972614009

What is Uncommon? Uncommon is different. It"s atypical and unconventional. Becoming memorable and unforgettable. Sometimes we can forget just how big life really is, and that the impossible is done everyday, somewhere. Once upon a time, light, flight, the 4 minute mile, and a man on the moon were all said to be impossible. But not any more. If you can change the way people think, then they"ll go to work and change themselves...becoming uncommon, and standing out from the crowd. Personal development is not about training, it"s all about learning and applying what you"ve learned. And it"s as simple as deciding you will do the things that are easy to reading, listening, and writing. Here are the major clues of personal development and uncommon success.