The First Steps to Fitness: How to Stop Thinking about It and Start Doing It

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781402200335

This easy-to-use, non-threatening fitness book focuses on the psychological aspects of weight loss and fitness, teaching women that their attitudes toward their bodies are more important than an iron will or unswerving commitment to exercise or diet. The author uses the metaphor of building a house in showing women how to achieve the physique they desire. In each chapter, the author suggests that you use your childhood memories to create an enjoyable diet and exercise routine. Requiring much introspection and writing in a journal, the author guides readers to pick out patterns in their lives regarding self-image and to work on overcoming negative experiences and thinking of themselves in a more positive light. In addition to her advice concerning the mental side of fitness, the author also provides specific suggestions for exercising and eating. She encourages women to be positive and flexible, stressing the point that attitude is everything.