Let the Builder Beware? A Guide to Appointments and Collateral Warranties on Construction Projects (Chandos Series on Construction & Facilities)

This book sets out the complex relationships that exist on construction projects, and the implications after they are completed. It is designed to assist all parties involved in a construction project - those who develop and plan, those who deal with the design and construction, and those who occupy and use the completed building. It highlights both the costly and far-reaching consequences of defective design and construction, and the steps each party should consider in limiting any potential liability that might arise. This book has been prepared to consider the relationships that will or should exist during the construction period and after completion, from the point of view of the developer and subsequent owners/occupiers on the one hand, and the consultants and contractors on the other. It is not intended to cover the situations arising under the building contract or nominated/domestic sub-contracts in substantial detail, nor deal with suppliers of materials and goods. Chapters include: introduction; guide to this publication; appointment of the consultants; collateral warranties; key legal cases; alternatives to collateral warranties; adjudication and payment; conclusion.