SaniLeash Sanileash Refill Pack of Liquid Sanitizer

Price 13.99 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 13964642162

Manufacture Country USA

TYGP1000 Features: * Easy to use pump dispersible bottle of biodegradable liquid sanitizer to refill Sanileash retractable leash sanitizer bottle * 30 (2 X 15) Biodegradable Waste Bags and 20 (2 X 10) Biodegradable Sanitizer Wipes * Rolls of biodegradable pet waste pickup bags specially designed to fit in the Sanileash retractable leash bag compartment * Packs of individually folded wet sanitizer wipes specially designed to fit in the Sanileash retractable leash wipes chamber * Easy and convenient to disperse packing of bags wipes and liquid * Easy purchase of three in one package