Dancers at the End of Time (S.F. Masterworks)

Price 5.66 USD

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EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780575074767

Producer Orion Books

Weight 405 gr

Year of production 2003

Enter a decaying far, far future society, a time when anything and everything is possible, where words like "conscience" and "morality" are meaningless, and where heartfelt love blossoms mysteriously between Mrs Amelia Underwood, an unwilling time traveller, and Jherek Carnelian, a bemused denizen of the End of Time. The Dancers at the End of Time, containing the novels An Alien Heat, The Hollow Lands and The End of All Songs, is a brilliant homage to the 1890s of Wilde, Beardsley and the fin de siecle decadents, satire at its sharpest and most colourful.