Day Cream, Preserves Youthfulness of Skin for 25-36 Years for Dry and Normal Skin 50 Ml " Black Pearl"

Designed with the needs and condition of the skin at the age of 26-35 years, which achieves maximum effect in skin care. The result - a young and glowing skin: Wrinkles visibly reduced ... ... ... ... ... 78% Skin hydrated throughout the day ... .... 90% The skin is soft, gentle, no tightness ... .. ... 97% The skin is full of radiance and tone ... ... ... .96% Improves complexion ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. 83% Active ingredients: Complex amino acids restores the protective mechanisms of skin aging, smooths fine wrinkles -Soy protein reduced the vital processes of metabolism and cell regeneration. Strengthen the collagen fibers, improve skin elasticity. -Ektoin improves energy metabolism in cells, provides extended protection from premature aging. -UV filter protects skin from UVB rays are the main cause of skin aging