Universal 2-kanal rolling & fixed Code Funkempfänger 433,92MHz + 5 handsender

Preis 82.60 USD

HOW TO CONNECT: Connect 2 wires of CH1 or CH2 to your control board between: 1) COM and N/O 2) COM and P/P (Push button) in parallel to Push button. All you need to do is to connect this receiver to your control board by using only 4 wires ( 2 - for power; 2 - for relay!!!) Note: The abriviations of your board can be different, so follow your manual. >>> With these 4 channel remote controls you can operate up to 4 absolutelly different systems ! >> How to learn new remote control to the receiver video <<<<< https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S385fe0d4Us