Pebble Beach Golf Links: The Official History

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781886947047

When one thinks of Pebble Beach, two images immediately pop into view: the daunting dogleg 18th with the Pacific Ocean roaring on the left, and a gaggleful of celebrity hackers tearing up the place in the annual Pro-Am that first teed off as the Crosby Clambake. Both are important pieces of the Pebble Beach story, but they"re just that--pieces. In celebrating the site of the 2000 U.S. Open, The Official History uncovers much more. The result is part chronicle and part large-format photo album that beautifully traces the saga of this spectacular venue from its pre-golf beginnings to its evolution into the mecca that Jack Nicklaus insists is the one course he"d opt to play if he could play only one course for the rest of his life. --Jeff Silverman