Robot Chicken Star Wars Episodes 1-3 Box Set [Adult Swim] [DVD] [UK Import]
Millions of years from now, after Socrates, Shakespeare and the Bible are long forgotten, only two great works will remain: the sci-fi cinema epic Star Wars and Adult Swim"s stop-motion animated, cheap gag extravaganza Robot Chicken. We"re talking legendary high-brow comedy. Watch Darth Vader fall into a toilet, while Emperor Palpatine rides the endless Death Star escalator. With all the subtlety of a diarrhea-suffering Wookiee, chortle at grisly Ewok violence! Keep and cherish this box set, then bury it in a time capsule. For in one million years, the universe"s archaeologists will thank you. Well, not YOU, but your highly evolved floating-slug-like energy-ball descendents.