Eichos Paipo - Mint
To choose when: you want to stop smoking / reduce the number of cigarettes What is Paipo Paipo is a flavored inhaler of plastic material, which reproduces the shape of a mouthpiece for traditional cigarette and which contains a wadding flavored to taste Eucalyptus Vanilla inside.The inhaler flavored Paipo, due to its shape, it can help the smoker to make up for the gestures linked to traditional cigarettes, helping them to reduce significantly the number of cigarettes smoked or quit *.How to use PaipoThe inhaler flavored Paipo can replace the typical gestures of traditional cigarettes. Therefore, it can be brought to the mouth and sucked, while enjoying the flavor flavored, or it can be used to bind the hands.Depending on the mode and frequency of use, the aroma of Paipo lasts for 24-48 hours. When not in use it is appropriate to affix Paipo its front end cap over which the rear stopper so as to maintain as long as possible the aromas contained inside it.What does PaipoInhalers contain mint flavored taste Paipo: Essential oils plant (oil of spearmint, peppermint oil, ginger oil), menthol, cinnamaldehyde, Carvone, anethole.There are 60 mg of aromatic substances for each inhaler.LIAF, Italian League Smoke submitted wadding flavored contained inside the inhaler Paipo, for toxicological analysis at the Chemical Laboratory of the Customs of Catania. From the analyzes are not toxic and / or harmful to health.* Efficacy and Safety PaipoInhalers flavored Paipo were subjected to a clinical study ** in order to verify the effectiveness in the treatment of addiction smoking status.The clinical study was conducted by the Centre of Tobacco Prevention and Care of the University of Catania and the University Hospital Policlinico Vittorio Emanuele, in collaboration with LIAF, Italian League Smoke.