Bony Yoga

Preis 19.18 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781578633661

While much of the time we devote to yoga is spent being (SHHHH!) very quiet and extremely serious, there"s nothing like throwing a bit of humor into the mix. Ryn Gargulinski does just that with Bony Yoga. Her skeletal creations find themselves in all sorts of traditional yoga poses, with all sorts of untraditional commentary running beneath them. You"ll laugh out loud. (We can"t guarantee that stuff won"t come out your nose.) "I have been drawing skeletons since I was a kid and I am interested in yoga so it seemed like a natural mix. I may have even started drawing them to give myself a better idea of how my body should be positioned in the poses, as bones don"t lie." Gargulinski takes a bare-bones look at over 50 asanas common to a variety of different yoga styles.