EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 6001210950738

Koos Kombuis is a South African musician, singer, songwriter and writer who became famous as part of a group of anti-establishment maverick Afrikaans musicians, who, under the collective name of Voëlvry (directly translated meaning "Free as a bird"; in Afrikaans "voëlvry" is synonymous to the word "fugitive"), toured campuses across South Africa in the 1980s, to "liberate Afrikaans from the shackles of its past". Fellow musicians of this movement were Johannes Kerkorrel and Bernoldus Niemand (James Phillips). They were a younger generation Afrikaner who didn"t believe in apartheid and didn"t toe the ruling National Party line. This movement coined the term Alternative Afrikaner for themselves. Kombuis is somewhat of an icon among certain South Africans who consider him the guru of Afrikaans rock music and father of non-conformist Afrikaans culture. On "Madiba Bay" he focuses on the emerging New South Africa, embracing it with warmth and joy as well as sheer relief that the past was now the past. Virtually every song has some reference to the negative past, or a positive outlook for the future or both. Lines like "The pain is all gone, wake up to the sunlight, wake up to the dawn" from the title track and "We were victims of the struggle and victims of apartheid, but we"ve got to reach the sun before it"s too late" from "Duco Box Rasta" are prime examples of this. Even the sing-a-long "Huisie by die See" contains the line "almal hoop die struggle is verby".TRACK LIST:...# Rock & Roll Road 1 Madiba Bay, 2 Hartseerland, 3 Who Killed Kurt Cobain, 4 Winterkind, 5 Sweet Freedom, 6 Atlantis in Jou Lyf, 7 Pockets of my Jeans, 8 Mona Lisa, 9 Huisie by die See, 10 Live Beyond the Law, 11 Voortrekker Road, 12 Duco Box Rasta.