LA Tone Slim Bar (12 Bars)

Preis 39.19 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 5060037902277

Marke LA Muscle

Hersteller LA Muscle Limited

Slim Bar A delicious, light, low calorie, weight loss, high protein nutrition chocolate flavour bar from LA Tone. Slim Bar can be eaten to replace a meal or it can be taken any time of the day to aid weight loss. Slim Bar"s active weight loss ingredients are a significant dose of Green Tea at 500mgs per bar and Chromium. Both ingredients have been shown in scientific studies to increase weight loss, regulate your body"s own metabolism, curb your appetite and aid fat loss. Slim Bar also contains 16g of quality protein, ideal for muscle repair, muscle recuperation and training recovery and for ensuring you don"t lose any muscle mass. Maintaining muscle mass not only makes you look great, it also helps you to burn more fat when you are resting. Slim Bar can be used by men and women wanting to lose weight and tone up. Slim Bar"s active fat loss ingredients will kick your body into high gear and ensure you burn fat. Slim Bar is very handy and can be taken at many different times - Take your pick: * Morning = To kill hunger and start fat burning from early on * Lunch = To replace a meal and burn more fat * After Training = Ideal for quick protein intake, muscle recovery and fat burning * Dinner = Slim Bar can replace a meal and help weight lossIngredients (Amount per 50g Bar) Calories 176 kcal Protein 15.9 g Carbohydrates 21.6 g Saturated Fat 2.4 g Green Tea 500 mgs Chromium 50 mcgsFlavour: Chocolate flavourDirections Take up to 3 Slim Bars any time of day to aid weight loss, curb hunger or as a meal replacement.