Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom - S. Rachmaninov
Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom, Op. 31 Bless the Lord, O My Soul - 4.00 Glory to the Father and the Only-Begotten Son - 2.34 In Thy Kingdom Remember Us, O Lord - 4.50 Come, Let Us Worship - 1.30 Lord, Save the Faithful and the Trisagion - 3.46 Augmented Litany - 3.28 Cherubical Hymn - 5.08 The Creed - 6.04 A Mercy of Peace - 3.46 To Thee We Sing - 3.02 It Is Truly Meet - 2.16 The Lord"s Prayer - 4.00 Praise the Lord from the Heavens - 2.08 Blessed Is He and We Have Seen the True Light - 1.21 May Our Mouths Be Filled with Thy Praise - 3.23 Blessed Be the Name of the Lord - 0.38 Glory Be to the Father - 0.48 In Church Slavonic Yu. Kutanin, bass (4, 5, 7, 8, 14) S. Baikov, bass (6, 16) A. Karakuts, tenor (5, 12) N. Gerasimova, soprano (10) SUCD 10-00012