Martha Stuart"s Better Than You at Entertaining: (A Parody)
As you can see from the cover art of this book, it is possible that the indomitable mommymatrix Martha Stewart is so perfect that she walks on water. And it is possible that this is one of the most perfect parodies of any pop culture icon ever. The Dear Faux Martha gives advice on such issues as how to deal with the death of a dinner guest ("Dying is one of the rudest things a guest can do during a dinner party..." she begins), hints for hosting a luncheon for the Pope ("receiving the Pontiff in your home is really no different than entertaining royalty or anyone else in high office..."), and choosing appropriate foods for a circumcision day party (cocktail wieners each impaled with 2 Swedish meatballs, tender Calamari tips in red sauce). Lavishly illustrated, sometimes tasteless, and hilarious throughout.