Walker Evans: A Catalog of Photographic Prints Available from the Farm Security Administration Collection 1935-1938: Farm Security Administration Photographs, 1935-38 (Da Capo Paperback)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780306800085

It"s a well-kept secret that the Library of Congress oversees a collection of photographs numbering in excess of three million, the bulk of which are in the public domain. Among the highlights of that collection are Evans" remarkable images of the Depression era--part of a larger photographic project that employed Dorothea Lange and others--documenting the effects of soil erosion in Mississippi, the plight of Arkansas flood victims and the day-to-day lives of Alabama sharecroppers. The mood of the period is evoked strongly by nearly 500 photographs, many reproduced here for the first time; others are memorable for their inclusion in Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.