Letters to Myself on Dying: A Journal of Hope, Pain, and Courage

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781562124564

After six years of remission, Mirth Vos was hopeful that she had finally licked the cancer that struck her twice. But just as she was preparing to renovate her home for retirement, she learned of her final incurable malignancy. Within the pages of this 13-month journal, we follow Vos through her inner spiritual journey as a woman dying of cancer. It is not an easy journey for readers to hitchhike along with, but it is certainly a moving one. As a devout Christian, Vos believes she will be united with God in heaven, but as a passionate woman embodied on Earth, she finds herself pleading for more time. In the course of this year Vos bravely faces the impending separation from her husband and children upon her death. As a therapist, she must tell her clients of her imminent death and begin the difficult process of prematurely terminating their relationship before her clients are ready. At one point she discovers that her tumors are shrinking and she joyfully proclaims a miracle to her church community. But soon after she"s devastated and humiliated when new, ominous growths are discovered. Throughout the year, Vos turns to the Bible for comfort, even inserting Scripture throughout her text. Christians who are in the throes of a terminal illness or those who are grieving and caring for a dying beloved one will find this a solacing road map and daily companion. --Gail Hudson