Wortkarg Ep [Vinyl Single]

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 880319204111

Marke Adjunct

Land USA

B/W Scissors Tailed Fly Catcher / Spielmacher Speiss is something of a long-term player: older victims of these pages may recall tunes for klang, contexterrior, and now he muscles in on the adjunct crew. "wortkarg" offers a steep descent deep into starry summer nights, the frisky "scissors tailed fly catcher" chirps, busy with miniature sounds, organ stabs, filter sweeps and bubbling sine-wave clouds. "wortkarg" itself is a deep techno emission that slices through vapour trails with analogue oscillations, making its way deeper and deeper into a dark vortex where the only light to be seen is tiny fireworks coming out of high frequency sonic particles. Ending with the heavy ambient of "spielmacher" proves a good move adjunct and pete speiss impress once more