How Dreams Can Enrich Your Relationships: Learn from Your Dream, Understand Your Emotions, Find Fulfilment
Dreams fascinate everyone. In an increasingly prosaic world, they offer a window on a magical, mysterious other reality, a place at once familiar to us and eerily different. "Dream life is a netherworld of swirling emotions", says author Nicholas Heyneman, a clinical psychologist and expert on sleep and dreams. It is "raw, undisguised, and free from the shackles of unconscious repression and the need to conform to the social laws of waking reality".Though the dream world is distinct from waking life, there are some tantalising crossovers. Once we can understand the language in which they are expressed, dreams seem to be able to help us work out our conscious emotions and discover our true feelings. This, according to Heyneman, is a matter of not taking dream images literally but focusing more on how we feel about what we see.His book offers ways to interpret and harness dreams for the benefit of all our relationships. Whether used alone, or with a friend or partner, it shows how dreams can guide us to form loving relationships and how they can help make sense of apparent oddities in our conscious life. He goes beyond conventional methods that view our interactions with others from the perspective of waking consciousness and uses "dreamwork" to uncover our emotional, intuitive and primal sides. This journey of self-discovery is peppered with interactive exercises and specially devised dream scenarios. Heyneman suggests some highly original ways to communicate with your partner--including sharing dreams, creating telepathic dream links and stimulating dreams in order to solve problems and answer questions. And to top it all, the book is beautifully illustrated, every page bursting with colour. A bedtime book to relish. --Dan Fielder