Lancelot"s Curse - The Knights Of Camelot Book 6 (English Edition)

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9781909220188

“I have no words for the grief the gods have inflicted upon my tired soul. My future is only darkness and my past... My past is gone forever. I have love burned into me and denied me.” Lancelot and his companions are forced to flee Albion to protect Rhea from Taranis. Nimue tears the veil between the worlds and the travellers discover they are returned to the forest in which Lancelot and Tancred first fell in love. With renewed hope they set forth toward Camelot with the cart containing the items of power. When they reach Chester, they meet old friends and new enemies forcing them to run once more. First they travel through the harsh deserts of Albion and on to the cold, dead world of Lyonesse. When Lancelot wakes from this final journey he makes a promise to Taranis in exchange for Tancred’s sanity and Rhea’s safety. Little does he know that the fulfilment of this promise will change the course of their lives forever. When they finally face Balar this fulfilment of this promise is the revenge the petulant and cruel god demands in exchange for a ceasefire. During this time Lancelot learns more about his complex love for Tancred, Nimue and finally Arthur. His is the life sacrificed to save both worlds but is it enough and can he bear the burden of the grief, not just his own but also of those he loves? Will this heart rending promise be enough to save Albion and Camelot and what does it really mean to him and those he cares for? Why are the gods only interested in punishing him and using him to play their futile games? The war for Albion continues and as it does Lancelot’s family tries to save their father, husband, and lover from the darkness about to swallow him whole and steal him from their sides forever. PLEASE NOTE: We have been made aware of formatting issues with some versions of the kindle, causing corruption of the text. We apologize. It has now been corrected.