Roger Jones Hymn Collection CD Vol 2
This is a collection of new tunes to well-loved texts. Many come from musicals, some have been written independently. This CD"s contents are :And can it be? Angel-voices ever singing Breathe on me, breath of God Christ is alive! Dear Lord and Father of mankind Go forth and tell Guide me, O my great Redeemer Holy, holy, holy How sweet the name of Jesus In heavenly love abiding Jesus, lover of my soul Jesus shall reign where"er the sun Man of sorrows Now thank we all our God O love that will not let me go O thou who camest from above Saviour, again to thy dear name we raise Spirit divine What a friend we have in Jesus When I survey the wondrous cross See also: Roger Jones Hymn Collection (music book) paperbackRoger Jones Hymn Collection CD Vol 1Backing Tracks are available for all items.Further details from Christian Music Ministries