More Flanimals

Preis 16.16 USD

EAN/UPC/ISBN Code 9780571228867

"I generally oppose the banning of books, but there are some things our children shouldn"t know about. Nearly all of those things are Flanimals." J.K. Rowling A new bestseller from the pen of Ricky Gervais. New Flanimals! - Spotters Guide . Evolutionary Chart . Flanatomy for Beginners .It"s Flanimals galore as Ricky Gervais"s new book on this species takes students to a whole new level. For serious flanophiles, Gervais introduces some new members in this advanced Spotter"s Guide. Learn about how Flanimals evolved in a wonderfully detailed evolutionary chart. What does the inside of a Flanimal look like? Find out in a new section on Flanatomy for Beginners.With this stunning new book illustrated by Rob Steen, the Flanimals craze can only grow.